Committee Chair: Dr. Michael Nelson
[email protected]
The primary goal of the Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society (CSMS)) Student Research Grant Program is to promote and support original research on Colorado geology by undergraduate students. The grant program does not seek to cover all of the researcher’s expenses but instead should be viewed as a professional endorsement of the research endeavor. Requests for grants are judged on how well the proposed research will advance the science of geology and its related branches within the State of Colorado. Since the grant program budget is not anticipated to be large enough to fund every research proposal, the grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. The policy for applying for and awarding grants is outlined below.
Undergraduate students undertaking original research projects on Colorado geology are eligible to apply for CSMS research grants. CSMS research grant applicants need not be Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society members. Undergraduate students must be currently enrolled in a Colorado degree-granting institution, and their research must be part of a degree program (an academic course granting credit and a grade). Institutions may not request that overhead costs be added to budgets. The Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society strongly encourages women, minorities, and people with disabilities to participate fully in this research grant program. The research proposals will be evaluated based on the feasibility and scientific merit of the project, the abilities of the researcher, and the reasonableness of the budget. Students are eligible for only one CSMS Student Research Grant per degree pursued.
Research Grant Guidelines
Individual grants will not ordinarily exceed $700, although a higher sum may be awarded based on merit and number of grant applications received. One confidential letter of recommendation from the student’s research advisor is required for each grant applicant. This letter should be sent directly to the Committee Chair via Email ([email protected]) to preserve confidentiality.
Due to different schedules at different institutions, research should be scheduled to begin within 4 months of the grant award (anticipated by early May). For 2024, CSMS anticipates that research will begin during summer 2024.
Rules for the Use of CSMS Research Grant Funds
Grants are to be used for expenses directly associated with the research proposed. For example, research funds may be used for field expenses (travel, some meals, lodging), materials and supplies (sample bags, base maps, air photos, film and developing costs, etc.). Travel to professional meetings will not be funded. CSMS will not fund research by undergraduate students that relates directly to a thesis or dissertation by a graduate student.
Funds requested for equipment, computer time and software, thin-sections, chemical and isotopic analyses, and the purchase of services must be fully justified. Research grants may not be used for salaries or tuition. Upon completion of the research, equipment and materials purchased with a CSMS research grant become the property of the department in which the student is enrolled and are expected to be available to help additional students with their research.
Responsibilities of Recipients
Grant recipients are encouraged to present their results at professional meetings as well as to publish them. In both cases, support by the CSMS should be acknowledged. Recipients who cannot undertake or complete their project must return any unused funds along with a written explanation of expenses incurred. Grants may be subject to tax by the IRS and the grant recipient and advisor are responsible for determining this point. Within 1 year of receiving their grant, all CSMS research grant recipients are expected to 1) submit a written report documenting results of their research; the Society prefers that the grant recipient submit a short article for publication in the CSMS Pick & Pack (a newsletter; see
A research grant application follows. The Research Grant Committee of the CSMS will review each application. The decisions of this committee are final.